Over the years my generous friends have given me gifts that have built up my tea set (cups, saucers, tea pots and even tea bag squeezer tongs). I think it is about time I complete the collection with a tea cosy.
Step in Lisa Stickley. Lisa’s tea cosy instructions made it to the Guardian’s making time series, a collection of weekly craft projects. This step by step guide to making a tea cosy comes from Lisa’s Made at Home series which has similar projects to Sew! but has some different interesting makes for a beginner.
This project is simple to do, the only complicated bit being where you draw a semi circle round your tea pot. I found it easier to put a dot on the paper where the edges of your tea pot are, lid, handle, spout, then do another dot 5cm along to draw the semi-circle big enough. Â Oh and remembering to pay attention to the instructions; my first attempt had me stitching the handle so that the loop was inside the tea cosy.
I chose a floral pattern for my tea cosy and then cut up one of my boyfriend’s T-shirts for the lining – thanks Matt. It is great to have such quick results that will make me smile and keep my tea warm for longer.
Maddy! Just spotted this on FB, and the mention of teapots made me click. The entire enterprise looks very exciting, good luck! (I have that teapot in a mini-version with a teacup). Anna. xx
Maddy! This is charming! It also makes me wish I had one. I very much enjoy the fabric you’ve selected for this project.