Project 17: Maddy and Matt make a record clock

Posted on August 13th, 2011 by Maddy - 1 Comment

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not all florals and kitsch chez Maddy and Matt. So when we decided a new flat needed a new clock, we made a record clock. For the clock face we used a  scratched and well used Simon and Garfunkel record and an old Jack Daniels clock that we didn’t want any more.

How to make a record clock:

Matt destroys the old clockStep 1:

Spend time going through your record collection to find one that has a design that allows you to see the hands easily.

It is a tough choice; you need to choose a record that has meaning to you without destroying one you like to play. We were lucky that Simon and Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits had a bloody big scratch on. You should listen to them now and pay tribute to their greatness.

Step 2:

Find an old clock that you don’t mind destroying. Let’s just say this Jack Daniel’s one had been bugging me for some time.

Step 3:

Render your record unplayable. Using a knife. We scratched the middle hole of the record to make enough room to push the pieces of the clock through. We had to do it: there was no choice. If you look closely you can just make out Matt’s tears.

Step 4:

Take the hands off the clock so that you can push through the ‘metal bit’ and reattach the hands on the other side.

A finished record clockStep 5:

Hang your clock up and enjoy having something that tells the time and makes you think about some great hits. See he looks happy now – they were tears of joy!


One Response

  1. I am not approving any more nuinrsg debate comments. (this is not directed at you mutter, there are many) Danielle received her LPH liscense last October, she is lying about her qualifications. She is lying about everything in the world. Enough with the debate about nuinrsg degrees. This post is about Danielle’s lies not nuinrsg programs. Again, not aimed at you mutter, it is aimed at people who are repeatedly commenting about the various types of nuinrsg programs. Those comments are not being added anymore.

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