After my first ever trip to Hobbycraft I picked up an embroidery loop, a huge bag of coloured thread and the cross stitch book, Stitch! . This truly is the mecca of craft and I even managed to pick up a tea pot shaped cookie cutter – truly awesome.
I’ve since discovered some amazing cross stitch patterns online, especially truly geeky Doctor Who ones. I’m definitely planning to cross stitch a dalek at some point.
I’ve discovered that the key to making things using cross stitch is to stick a phrase on it. Suddenly it lifts it from being a bit naff to uber cool. This is a good lesson in all future craft projects – and once you get used to stitching letters it is a lot easier than a picture.
I’ve been using an invisible pen to help me mark out where to stitch.  After my boyfriend corrected my kerning, the self proclaimed typographical Nazi,  it some what altered the meaning of my favourite Princess Bride quote.
The invisible pen is taking longer than expected to fade…..