I’ve been knitting rapidly through the excellent film Son of Ranbow, the creepily good Being Human and a train journey from Leeds to London and gradually building up the stripes of my blue and pink scarf. You can definitely see where I’m progressing, where the most recent rows of stitches are considerably less holey than the earlier ones, but for my first knitting endeavour I’m quite happy.
It’s perfect to do in front of the telly. It’s equally perfect for getting out of  my boyfriend’s demonstrations when he wants to show me some new way of coding websites (django being his latest inspiration). I instead threaten to tell him about purling, casting off and other knitting related jargon. I guess programming and knitting are kinda similar?
That reminds me, I need to knit me a robot. Maybe some nice people at iknit will show me how to do this at one of their knitting groups, I’m trying to build up the courage to head down to one of these this week. I hope they are friendly. Its conveniently close to where I live  and since I have a few days of next week I reckon I should do a recce and check the store out – Wish me luck!